weekly gathering bible studies
Deepen your Bible understanding. We develop 'cheat sheets' for our home church leaders to help them lead the weekly gathering. You're welcome to take a look!
Discover series
This six week study is designed for a group of people exploring Jesus. Based in the gospel of Mark, each week the group discovers more about who Jesus is, what He did and what it means to follow Him.
This 11 session study is a great follow up to “discover Jesus.” It helps someone who is new to faith discover what is involved in following Jesus.
DNA is a complex molecule that contains all of the information necessary to build and maintain an organism. All living things have DNA within their cells. It is their genetic code or blueprint. Whenever organisms reproduce, a portion of their DNA is passed along to their offspring. This 3 week study looks at the “DNA” common to every disciple-maker.
Followers of Jesus come in all shapes and sizes but there are certain distinctives they all share. This 18 lesson bible study will take you through a range of topics, helping you to discover the way of Jesus and apply it to your everyday life. Whether you are new to following Jesus, or a seasoned disciple, there is plenty in here for you to chew on!
These studies are based on the book, “Organic Outreach For Ordinary People”, written by Kevin and Sherry Harney. Organic outreach is a culture shaping tool that we are using to ensure that our focus on outreach never shrinks.
This three week Christmas series leads us to discover Jesus Christ the prophesied One, the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. Included in the downloads are suggestions for gatherings, including songs, videos, kids’ activities and more.
Book studies
We can believe, with certainty, that Jesus is who He says He is, He did what the bible records Him as doing, and He said what the bible records Him as saying. May our faith, founded on fact, increase as we read this powerful account of Jesus, gathered from many people who saw and heard Him.
It doesn’t bear thinking about what it would be like if we didn’t have the book of Acts! Imagine never having an account of the earliest church, never knowing how the gospel spread or how the church operated. Thankfully we do have this book and if we will read it with minds and hearts wide open, we can expect to be thoroughly and powerfully changed.
This eleven week study introduces you to God’s eternal plan that is being worked out through Christ and His body, the Church. You will discover every that is needed for believers and learn how to work that out in the daily Christian life.
Welcome to the book of Philippians! Allow me to explain a bit about the context of the book. The book is a letter. It is written by the famous Missionary Apostle Paul to a group of Jesus followers in a city called Philippi, in Macedonia, in Greece.
The letter of James was most likely written around AD 40-45 to Jewish Christian house churches scattered around the Mediterranean world. As a scattered people they would have experienced more than their fair share of persecution and poverty. It is possible that these believers were the ones who were from the early Jerusalem church, scattered after Stephen’s death.