What’s going on for The Way?

Katelyn Brown Katelyn Brown

Prayer Letter March 2024

Neighbourhood Christmas parties and bible studies – catch up with what’s been happening with The Way so far in 2023.

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Katelyn Brown Katelyn Brown

Prayer Letter October 2023

This is what victory has looked like in recent weeks: deeper relationships, stronger commitment to the gospel, building of healthy foundations in the churches. The gospel continues to spread!

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Katelyn Brown Katelyn Brown

Prayer Letter June 2023

Up and down the country The Way churches are answering this question, “How will we reach our neighbourhoods with the gospel in 2023?”

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Katelyn Brown Katelyn Brown

Prayer Letter March 2023

Neighbourhood Christmas parties and bible studies – catch up with what’s been happening with The Way so far in 2023.

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Nick Field Nick Field

Prayer Letter, November 2021

2021 has been a study in timing. Who would have thought, just two years ago, that ‘church at home’ would have been a thing?

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