Discover the Life of a Disciple

Followers of Jesus come in all shapes and sizes but there are certain distinctives they all share. This 18 lesson bible study is arranged in 3 sections; the salvation life, the spiritual life and the servant life. These studies will help you to discover the way of Jesus and apply it to your everyday life. Whether you are new to following Jesus, or a seasoned disciple, there is plenty in here for you to chew on!

Part 1: Salvation Life

Disciples live out the salvation life. As recipients of God’s grace they are born again. With that as a solid foundation they grow as they live by the Word, pray and gain ever increasing victory over sin.  They look forward to the return of Jesus and align their life around that reality.

Lesson 1

Disciples born again
John 3:1-21

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Lesson 2

Disciples are saved by grace
Ephesians 2:1-10

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Lesson 3

Disciples live by the word
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5

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Lesson 4

Disciples pray
Luke 11:1-13

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Lesson 5

Disciples live in victory over temptation
Luke 4:1-13

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Lesson 6

Disciples Look forward to Jesus’ return
2 Peter 3:1-15

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Part 2: Spiritual Life

Jesus promised the disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to indwell every believer, empowering them to live the life of a disciple, a follower and obeyer of Jesus.

Lesson 1

Disciples are filled with the Spirit
Ephesians 5:15-20

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Lesson 2

Disciples live by the Spirit
Galatians 5:13-26

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Lesson 3

Disciples are empowered by the Spirit
Acts 1:1-11

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Lesson 4

Disciples are enabled with spiritual gifts
1 Corinthians 12:1-11

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Lesson 5

Disciples do good to all
Galatians 6:1-10

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Lesson 6

Disciples forgive others as the Lord forgives them
Matthew 18:21-35

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Part 3: Servant Life

A disciple is a servant of Jesus Christ who leaves everything to follow Him. They introduce others to Jesus and celebrate their salvation. With a keen sense of their own sin and the profoundness of God’s forgiveness, they humble themselves before God, surrender to His will and give up their very life for Christ.

Lesson 1

Disciples leave everything to follow Jesus
Luke 5:1-11

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Lesson 2

Disciples Introduce others to Jesus
John 1:35-51

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Lesson 3

Disciples celebrate lost people being found
Luke 15:11-32

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Lesson 4

Disciples humble themselves before God
Luke 18:9-14

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Lesson 5

Disciples surrender their will to God’s will
Matthew 26:39-42

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Lesson 6

Disciples give up their lives for Jesus
Mark 8:34-38

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