

The letter of James was most likely written around AD 40-45  to Jewish Christian house churches scattered around the Mediterranean world.  James 1:1 refers to the 12 tribes (Jewish tribes) dispersed or scattered among the nations. As a scattered people they would have experienced more than their fair share of persecution and poverty. It is possible that these believers were the ones who were from the early Jerusalem church, scattered after Stephen’s death. (Acts 8:1-3)

About James

James was the half-brother of Jesus (son of Mary and Joseph) and was one of the recognised leaders (called apostles and elders) of the church in Jerusalem. You can read about his work in Acts 15, especially verses 13-21.

When we first met James, He was mentioned (Matthew 13:53-58) as one of Jesus’ brothers. John 7:2-5 tells us that Jesus’s brothers didn’t believe in Him.   

After Jesus' resurrection , James was one of the people who Jesus appeared to (1 Corinthians 15:7) and Paul later called him a pillar of the church (Galatians 2:9). Obviously, he came to believe in Jesus Christ.!

Content Of The Letter

The message of James is that love is the evidence (manifestation) of salvation. And this love is a “practical” love, ie: it is expressed in deeds. A transformed life of love for others should be the result of experiencing God’s love.  James deals with a number of important issues that all believers face:

  • How to deal with trials

  • Wealth and poverty

  • Our words and their power

  • Wisdom

  • Love for God versus love for the world

  • Prayer and faith

Before studying chapter 1, take some time to read the whole book of James along with the other relevant Scriptures mentioned in this introduction. 

James 1:1-18

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James 1:19-27

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James 2:1-13

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James 2:14-26

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James 3:1-12

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James 3:13-4:3

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James 4:4-12

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James 4:13-5:12

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James 5:13-20

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James Wrap Up

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