

As we study the book of Acts may we be among those who follow in the footsteps of Jesus, fearlessly making His Name known throughout the world!

Background To This Book

Imagine never having an account of the earliest church, never knowing how the gospel spread or how the church operated. Thankfully we do have this account and if we will read it with minds and hearts wide open, we can expect to be thoroughly and powerfully changed. 

Acts is the second book written by Luke, with the Gospel of Luke being his first.  Luke and Acts were originally joined together as one book of two volumes. Luke wrote Acts in about AD63. The book does not give us the full history of the early church but it gives us a great “taster”. Acts covers the first 60 or so years of the Church.  Luke wrote Acts as an historical account of the spread of the gospel from Jerusalem to Rome. The Gospel of Luke covered much of what Jesus began to do and to teach (Acts 1:1-2). It covered the beginnings of Jesus’s work. Acts then takes over, recording the continuation of the works of Jesus - via the Holy Spirit and the Church.  The marvellous thing is that this work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit continues via the Church even today!

The book of Acts is a doorway of understanding into the Epistles (letters: Romans through to Jude). It gives the context for each letter and an understanding of the particular historical and cultural context for each community which received a letter. Remember, a letter only gives us one side of a conversation! By reading and understanding the book of Acts, we are able to contextualise the conversation and understand why certain topics were key to certain letters. The book of Acts helps us to navigate the rest of the New Testament!

As you read Acts, be on the lookout for how the church operated and what the mission and methods of the disciples were. Remember, these are the people Jesus had trained and sent out to establish His Church!

Who is Luke?

  • He was a Gentile and a physician (doctor)

  • He was the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament

  • He was a devoted companion of Paul the apostle, travelling and ministering with Paul in many places (Luke was “an apostolic worker”)

Who is Theophilus?

  • The intended recipient of both books, Luke and Acts

  • Probably a God-lover, probably of high social standing (“most excellent”)

Acts Part 1: The Early Years of The Church

ACTS 1:1-11

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ACTS 1:12-26

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ACTS 2:1-13

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Acts 2:14-41

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Acts 2:42-47

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Acts 3:1-10

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Acts 3:11-4:4

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Acts 4:5-31

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Acts 4:32-5:16

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Acts 5:17-42

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Acts 6:1-7

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Acts 6:8-8:1

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Acts 1 -7 Wrap Up

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Acts Part 2: The Church Beyond Jerusalem

Acts 8:1-13

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Acts 8:14-25

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Acts 8:26-40

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Acts 9:1-19

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Acts 9:19-31

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Acts 9:32-43

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Acts 9:43-10:23a

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Acts 10:23b - 48

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Acts 11:19-30

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Acts 12:1 - 24

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Acts 8 - 12 Wrap Up

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