What’s up with The Way?

There is so much to celebrate! Here are some highlights:

  • The next “batch” of home church shepherds started training at the end of February and most of them are second generation shepherds - meaning that they come from one of the existing home churches. We are currently training eleven people.

  • We are on the cusp of planting home churches in Pegasus (Canterbury) and Plimmerton.

  • The Queenstown home church is in the process of planting a second church!

  • It is likely that the Upper Hutt home church will soon be needing to plant a second church in the area.

  • Many families and individuals are enjoying The Way’s Daily Bible Reading Plan - it’s been a real hit!

  • A couple of NZ churches are in conversation with The Way, looking at joining The Way collective of home churches.

  • Home churches are looking forward to soon being able to join together in the various areas for regular Celebration Sunday gatherings.

  • Pathways College of Bible & Mission released an interview with The Way - you can watch it here.


The Way goes global

Nine months ago when we started The Way, we never imagined that The Way could extend beyond NZ. But here’s what’s on the horizon:

The Philippines
This month we commence Shepherd training with William, a Filipino church leader currently based in Sth Korea and completing his PhD in missiology. His vision is to train Filipino migrant workers living in Korea to return to their tribal areas in The Philippines, reach people with the gospel and plant The Way home churches.

A Wellington couple in the current Shepherd training course are planning to move to Slovakia and plant a home church there. Their vision is to reach the predominantly Roman Catholic people of Slovakia with the gospel.

We would appreciate your prayer for

  • William, and his vision to train Filipino church planters

  • NZ churches who are wanting to learn from The Way

  • Queenstown second generation church plant

  • Imminent church plants in Plimmerton, Pegasus & Upper Hutt

  • Sufficient financial partners to meet the needs of this pioneering work

  • God's wisdom as we help parents guide the spiritual development of their children


“The harvest is great, but the workers are few.
So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest;
ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

A book we’ve read recently is ‘The Spiritually Vibrant Home’ by Don Everts.

As we continue the fascinating journey of relearning "church as family", this book is proving to be a brilliant resource. Author Don Everts engages with new research from the Barna Group to contemplate what the Bible says about everyday households of faith. You may be surprised to learn what impacts the spiritual development of children and families!

Get your copy here


Prayer Letter July 2022


Prayer Letter, November 2021