Prayer Letter June 2023

What’s up with The Way?

Up and down the country The Way churches are answering this question, “How will we reach our neighbourhoods with the gospel in 2023?” Everyday missionaries are training one another on how to enter the mission field, sow the gospel, disciple new believers, plant and lead healthy New Testament style churches, train and release new missionaries into the mission field.

God is moving powerfully. As everyday followers of Jesus step into the call to be missionaries, the gospel is spreading and neighbours, family members, friends and colleagues are becoming disciples of Jesus Christ! Something is ‘shifting’. We are literally seeing the spiritual battle happen in front of our eyes. There are even people who are coming out of the blue, to Christians, and asking them about God and the bible! We know that God is ‘on the move’ and we are really excited!

We are now praying for Jesus followers who will go into unreached parts of New Zealand, wherever the Spirit tells them to go, sharing the gospel, multiplying disciples and churches. Kiwis, sent by God to reach Kiwis! Oh what a mission field we have.

“Movements of disciples and churches all start the same way - with a few individuals who place their confidence in the power of God through his Word and the Spirit and are obedient to Christ’s command to go and make disciples of every people group and in every place.”
Steve Addison, Acts And The Movement Of God

Here are some highlights from the last three months:

First annual “hui” for The Way church leaders held in Auckland in June!

  • Visions, dreams, prophecies and casting out of demons through God’s people

  • False doctrine refuted by godly, loving, young church leaders

  • The proving and refining of faith, through various difficulties, trials and troubles

  • Prayer and seeking the Lord throughout the whole movement

  • A neighbour putting her faith in Jesus Christ

  • Two young boys born again and three young people baptised

  • A couple in their 50’s discipling over 20 teenagers to be missionaries

  • Discover Jesus bible studies in Slovakia, Porirua, Upper Hutt & Hibiscus Coast

  • New believers doing Follow Jesus studies, learning to “follow & fish”

  • Another Wellington group trained and equipped for the Mission

  • A new missional group started in Upper Hutt

  • New trainers to provide training for everyday missionaries in NZ

  • More people wanting to be trained in both the North and South Islands

  • 117 people from Crossroads Church & 20 people from Tasman Church are being trained in evangelism, disciple making and church planting

We would appreciate your prayer for

Dave and Katharine, as they train to become NZ trainers

  • Every home church, as they enter their mission fields, sow the gospel & plant new churches

  • Protection for each church from the evil one and his plans

  • Kiwis to reach Kiwis in unreached parts of New Zealand

  • Crossroads Church and Tasman Church as they are equipped to be on mission

After they prayed, the place where they were
meeting was shaken. And they were all filled
with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God

Acts 4:31


A book we’ve read recently is “Acts And The Movement Of God” by Steve Addison.

A leading voice in the study of gospel movements throughout the world, Steve brings a unique perspective as he combines insightful commentary on the book of Acts, with present day stories from across the globe.

“The building block of every disciple making movement … is a group of people gathered around God’s Word in the presence of the Holy Spirit, learning to take the next step in following Jesus and fishing for people.” Steve Addison, Acts And The Movement Of God

Get your copy here


Thank you for praying for us as we seek to develop:

  • A movement of everyday missionaries

  • A collective of home churches

Nick & Sarah Field

Katelyn Brown

Creating cool brands for cool people - I team up with some of the best animators, brand advisors and business consulters in the biz so that every project not only looks good, but makes sense from every angle. I take a personal approach to every project so that, together, we get the very best result and bring you along on the journey.

Prayer Letter October 2023


Prayer Letter March 2023