Prayer Letter October 2022

What’s up with The Way?

The Way has experienced a fruitful and encouraging few months. Many people are reaching out with the gospel, where they live, work, learn and play. A number of new leaders have been trained and two new home churches established. Mission work continues in Slovakia, The Philippines and South Korea. Relationships within The Way Collective are proving to be invaluable, providing ongoing encouragement and support for all home church leaders. There is much to give thanks for!

Here are some highlights from the last three months:

Children & All-Ages

  • Home churches have caught the vision of intergenerational discipleship, with many children participating in all aspects of the gatherings. It is wonderful to see!

Church Plants

  • The Papakowhai home church has begun! (Porirua City)

  • The Hibiscus Coast home church has begun! (Nth Auckland)

Leader Training

  • Seven new home church leaders have been trained on the Hibiscus Coast

  • Six people are currently being trained in Wellington

Outreach and Discipleship

  • People are experiencing the Revival of "first love for Christ"!

  • Love for Christ is causing people to actively outreach to friends and neighbours!

  • William has led several people in Korea and The Philippines to put their faith in Christ and be baptised!

  • Outreach bible studies are happening throughout the Wellington area!

  • Outreach bible studies are happening in Sth Korea and The Philippines!

  • A weekly prayer meeting is happening in Pegasus, Canterbury!

  • Unbelieving friends are learning about Jesus in home churches!

  • Small "cluster groups" of disciples are starting up around the neighbourhoods!

  • Matthew and Barbara (Slovakia) are learning how to share the gospel in a Roman Catholic setting!

We would appreciate your prayer for

Revival of "first love for Christ" in all Jesus followers

  • The two new home churches (Papakowhai and Hibiscus Coast)

  • Those currently doing the leadership training in Wellington

  • Discipleship fruit from the various outreach bible studies

  • Sufficient financial partners to meet the needs of this pioneering work

  • Matthew and Barbara and their two little boys, outreaching in Slovakia

  • William’s family - for safety and provision as they live amongst increasing violence in Mindanao, The Philippines

How beautiful on the mountain
are the feet of the messenger who brings good news,
the good news of peace and salvation,
the news that the God of Israel reigns!

Isaiah 52:7 (NLT)


A book we’ve read recently is “Honest Evangelism” by Rico Tice with Carl Laferton.

Thanks for recommending this book, Jo Bate!

Never underestimate the power of a great book about evangelism. Rico Tice in his 2015 book, Honest Evangelism, reminds us that the gospel is the good news of the identity, mission and call of Jesus Christ. He encourages every one of us to “cross the pain line”, taking personal responsibility for sharing the gospel with the people in our worlds.

As Tice puts it, It isn’t easy. You’re risking rejection and mockery. You’re crossing the pain line. You need to ask God to give you the courage to say: “Would you like to look at the Bible with me?” Just ask. Just get started. Just remember the wonder of the gospel, the truth of the gospel and the power of the gospel. “Would you like to look at the Bible with me?” There’ll be someone you could ask today.

Get your copy here


Thank you for praying for us as we seek to develop:

  • A movement of everyday missionaries

  • A collective of home churches

Nick & Sarah Field

Katelyn Brown

Creating cool brands for cool people - I team up with some of the best animators, brand advisors and business consulters in the biz so that every project not only looks good, but makes sense from every angle. I take a personal approach to every project so that, together, we get the very best result and bring you along on the journey.

Prayer Letter March 2023


Prayer Letter July 2022