Prayer Letter October 2023

What’s up with The Way?

Being a missionary is not glamorous. It’s not easy. It’s not even fun sometimes! Being a missionary is a daily deep dive into self-denial, spiritual warfare and starting over with sharing the gospel - to some who want to hear it and some who, quite frankly, don’t. But being a missionary is exactly what our Lord has asked us to be. Is it any wonder, then, that our enemy the devil sets his evil eye on missionaries? We’ve been so thankful for your prayers over the last few months, as we have experienced the enemy’s age-old methods within The Way: distraction, division, discouragement. And so we are acutely aware of the importance of both prayer and discipleship as ‘everyday missionaries’ choose to speak the truth in love, resolve conflict biblically, and continue together in the Great Commission. This is what victory has looked like in recent weeks: deeper relationships, stronger commitment to the gospel, building of healthy foundations in the churches. The gospel continues to spread!

“How will we reach our neighbourhoods with the gospel in 2023?” This question frames everything we do because this is the work of The Church. Everyday missionaries are training one another to enter the mission field, sow the gospel, disciple new believers, plant and lead healthy New Testament style churches, train and release new missionaries into the mission field.

Take a moment to watch this short video from some of the people of The Way about the mission work they are doing.

Here are some highlights from the last three months:


  • Donna has joined The Way collective, leading a church in Island Bay, Wellington

  • Paremata church has planted a church in Whitby, led by Simon & Debra

  • Red Beach church has planted a church in Stanmore Bay, led by Jimmy & Brenda

  • People have been saved, baptised and added into the Red Beach church

  • A lady has just been saved in Wellington through the Plimmerton church

  • A number of people are having bible studies with unbelievers

  • Many are sharing the Gospel throughout their networks


  • Dave & Katharine have started training 9 people from the Queenstown church

  • Crossroads Church (Palmerston North) is celebrating the impact that The Way training is having on their evangelism and disciple-making


  • William has finished his work in Korea and is back in Mindanao, The Philippines, ready to start missional work there

  • Faith has begun a Discovery Bible Study with others on the Doulos ship

  • Marlene has begun a Discovery Bible Study with some women in Malaysia

Nick & Sarah

  • Nick & Sarah have been visiting the churches throughout NZ to strengthen them

  • The Way Support Team spent a really impactful weekend together to seek the Lord for the next chapter of The Way

We would appreciate your prayer for

  • The new churches: to establish healthy, missional foundations

  • The bible studies with unbelievers: for gospel fruit

  • Crossroads Church: to continue to grow in evangelism and disciple making

  • Protection: against the devil’s schemes

  • Doors to open and missionaries to go out into Central Otago & Central North Island

We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. 3 We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 1:2-3


A book we’ve read recently is “Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know” by Wayne A Grudem.

In a time of increasing biblical illiteracy, there are certain teachings of the Bible that every Christian should know. “Christian Beliefs” is the ideal book for every Christian wanting to understand the most basic and essential teachings of the Bible.

Get your copy here


Thank you for praying for us as we seek to develop:

  • A movement of everyday missionaries

  • A collective of home churches

Nick & Sarah Field

Katelyn Brown

Creating cool brands for cool people - I team up with some of the best animators, brand advisors and business consulters in the biz so that every project not only looks good, but makes sense from every angle. I take a personal approach to every project so that, together, we get the very best result and bring you along on the journey.

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