Prayer Letter July 2022

What’s up with The Way?

The Way continues to flourish and extend, as Jesus-followers love Him with all their hearts, minds and souls, love their neighbours as themselves, love one another as Christ loves them, and devote themselves to making disciples.

Here are some highlights from the last three months

Church Plants

  • The Plimmerton home church has begun!

  • The Upper Hutt home church has planted a second church!

  • The Queenstown home church has also planted a second church!

Shepherd Training

  • New home church shepherds have been trained in Wellington and Queenstown (all come from within existing home churches).

  • Shepherd training has been completed for William, a pastor studying in South Korea.

  • Two Filipino men are now being trained by William to run outreach bible studies in The Philippines.

  • Training starts in July for home church shepherds on the Hibiscus Coast!

Outreach and Discipleship

  • A woman received Christ and is now being discipled, along with her sons, in the Plimmerton home church!

  • Multiple outreach bible studies are happening throughout the Wellington area!

  • Multiple outreach bible studies are happening in Sth Korea and The Philippines!

  • Matthew and Barbara are settled into Slovakia and are reaching out to locals, offering: “Learn to read the Bible in English, for free!”

We would appreciate your prayer for

  • The Hibiscus Coast shepherd trainees

  • The three new home churches (Plimmerton, Upper Hutt, Queenstown)

  • Discipleship fruit from the various outreach bible studies

  • Sufficient financial partners to meet the needs of this pioneering work

Thank you for praying for us as we seek to develop:

  • A movement of everyday missionaries

  • A collective of home churches


“He (Jesus) commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the One whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name”

ACTS 10:42,43

A book we’ve read recently is ‘The Untold Story of the New Testament Church’ by Frank Viola.

We highly recommend it! Here’s what Amazon has to say:
“The Untold Story of the New Testament Church is a unique Bible handbook that weaves Acts and the Epistles together chronologically... creating one fluid story. This epic volume gives readers a first-hand account of the New Testament drama that is riveting and enlightening. It includes dates, maps and background information about the people, the cities and the events of the first-century Church using a “you-are-there” approach.”

Get your copy here


Prayer Letter October 2022


What’s up with The Way?